The McMinnville Wine & Food Classic, is held annually in McMinnville. This event is brought to you by the dedicated volunteer hours of families, staff, & friends of Saint James Catholic School.
McMinnville Wine & Food Classic
Address: 206 NE Kirby Street
McMinnville, OR 97128
Phone: 503-472-4033 or 877-SIP-MWFC
FAX: 503-472-5201
Email: [email protected]
General Information
Attn: Rebecca Hoffarth & Daisy Amerson
E-mail:[email protected]
Vendor Information
Attn: Daisy Amerson
E-mail: [email protected]
Advertising / Marketing
Attn: Daisy Amerson
E-mail: [email protected]
Volunteer Information
Attn: Patti Stritzke
Volunteer Coordinator
E-mail:[email protected]
Visit this site to Volunteer:
Volunteers are to arrive at the Evergreen Space Musuem 15-20 minutes prior to the start of their shift. Please park in the Yamhill Professional Center parking lot and shuttle in. Thank you for your time.
PayPal Users print your EMAIL CONFIRMATION for your proof of purchase, as this will be your ticket into the event. Admission into the event does not include tasting fees. If you choose to park at the museum you will need $7 in cash. No strollers are allowed at the event. Event coordinators reserve the right to refuse service or refunds to anyone.